Interregional fair “Russian governors in the backwoods”
July 29 – August 1, 2010

Interregional fair “Russian governors in the backwoods” held in Kharovsk municipality on July 29 – August 1, 2010 became a vivid memorable event in Vologda region.

The holders of the festivity were Vologda Oblast Government and administration of Kharovsk municipality. During four days the Kharovsk residents received guests and demonstrated the innovations in their city: repaired House of Culture and a newly built modern sports center. The guests of the festivity unanimously confirmed that year by year Kharovsk was becoming more beautiful – buried in verdure and flowers…

The program of the fair was full of cultural, sport, folklore and tourist events. The best amateur groups from Vologda, Cherepovets and many other municipalities of the region came to the festivity.

On July 29 the guests of the fair were introduced to the ecological tourist route “To the geographical center of Vologda Oblast”. In Semenikha village (Ilyinskoye rural settlement) a memorial sign “Center of Vologda Oblast” was opened.

On July 30 village Timonikha became the center of the festivity – a birthplace of the outstanding Russian writer Vasily Belov. A “Literature express” with writers and literary critics from Moscow, Kishinev, Krasnodar and Vologda arrived from Vologda. The guests of Kharovsk land passed a tourist route “A way home” where they learned about traditions and every day life of the northern village, visited places related to the life and creative work of Vasily Belov.

On July 31 interregional fair “Russian governors in backwoods” was opened. Among VIP-guests who came to the festivity – Vologda Oblast Governor Vyacheslav Pozgalev, members of Vologda Oblast Government, executive officials and Voronezh region delegation headed by deputy head of Verkhnemamonskiy municipality Sergey Bakhtiyarov.

Kharovsk municipality of Vologda Oblast and Verkhnemamonskiy municipality of Voronezh Oblast are connected by strong partner relations and cooperation in the sphere of patriotic education of the rising education.

Vyacheslav Pozgalev in his greeting speech noted that there were many people in Kharovsk who grieved for their native land and informed him about their ideas for improvement of the city: “Each year we started something new. Today it’s nice to have a look at the mowed down and cleared up lawns, a sports center, a computer school, where children of the 21st century will study – initiative and competent. Kharovsk has got all the needed to develop culture and to make life of people more prosperous and deserving”. Vyacheslav Pozgalev wished Kharovsk residents and guests of the fair to be in good mood and expressed a confidence that year after year the city would become more beautiful.

Alexander Mazuev, head of Kharovsk municipality, told that they prepared to the festivity for several months by the efforts of the local administration and Vologda Oblast Government.

On the main stage of the fair there were shows by State group of song and dance “Russian North” (art director – Peoples Artist of Russia Evgeny Maksimov), the best harmonica players of Vologda Oblast, a group of folklore dance “Ryabinka” (Vologda), a group “Kladez” (Voronezh). On the central streets of the city a festival of folklore and crafts “Harmony of the northern land” was arranged with participation of folklore groups of traditional national culture from many Vologda municipalities. The program of the festivity was beautified by the competition of brands of municipal settlements of the district, a festivity of village pottage, interactive show of master-classes in handicrafts, a children’s festivity “A school will remain a haven of childhood” devoted to the Year of a Teacher, a festival of children’s creative groups “Dawn over the Kubena river”.

Each interested could become a full participant of a cheerful fair event – e.g. Vyacheslav Pozgalev tried to be a potter and a painter. Answering the question which role he preferred more Vyacheslav Pozgalev noted: “I try to find something interesting for me in all deeds. I like to master new types of activity. Today it was for the first time that I took a brush in my hand and for the first time I sat down by the potter’s wheel. It’s a very interesting process. I received a great pleasure”.


In Baranikha village not far from Kharovsk sport events were arranged – Russian cross-country motorcycle with sidecar attached race championship for the prize of Vologda Oblast Governor. The motor-paragliding sportsmen showed their mastership.

On August 1 the festivities were completed by a concert devoted to the Day of Railway Worker and Day of the City.

Summarizing the results of the fair, Vologda Oblast Governor Vyacheslav Pozgalev told that Kharovsk should do a lot in the future: “We take part in many national programs and, of course, we will continue this work. It is planned to build new houses and to improve Kharovsk city. We have to develop cultural infrastructure”.

Anna Klepikovskaya
Natalia Kozhevnikova